

Video: High Stakes In The Himalayas

Video: High Stakes In The Himalayas

18 Jun 2020
In this video, Udith argues that the mayhem seen on the India-China border this week will provide another catalyst for Indian nationalists who want to lessen the country’s reliance on China, even if that means accepting far slower economic growth.
Video: The Threat To Chinese Tech

Video: The Threat To Chinese Tech

11 Jun 2020
The US is deepening its effort to limit Chinese technology giant Huawei’s access to components that rely on American design, which may prevent Huawei from rolling out 5G networks. The US is also broadening its efforts to constrain Mainland tech firms by using sanctions that impact suppliers to China’s government and military.
Video: The Upsurge In Oil

Video: The Upsurge In Oil

4 Jun 2020
The price of Brent crude oil has doubled in the past six weeks, supported by the beginning of a recovery in demand as economies come out of lockdown and by expectations that the Opec+ cartel will extend the deep production cuts it agreed in April. Tom weighs the forces likely to drive the oil market over the coming months.
Video: Will The Bank Of England Go Negative?

Video: Will The Bank Of England Go Negative?

28 May 2020
Having long resisted the lure of negative interest rates, policymakers at the Bank of England have recently admitted that they are considering a cut in the UK’s main bank rate to below zero.Nick examines the pros and cons of negative interest rates, and weighs the probability that the Bank of England will indeed enter negative rate territory for the first time.
Video: Pressure Points In Emerging Markets

Video: Pressure Points In Emerging Markets

20 May 2020
Emerging markets have broadly weathered the liquidity squeeze that threatened to engulf them in March, however Udith is not convinced they are out of the woods. Growth shocks associated with the Covid-19 crisis mean that many smaller markets on the frontier are at risk of debt defaults, which could end up spurring forced selling by foreign investors.
Video: In Defense Of US Equities

Video: In Defense Of US Equities

13 May 2020
With most big US firms having reported their first quarter earnings, the picture is not pretty and worse may follow in 2Q20. Yet the stock market rally of the last six weeks suggests that investors have a fairly cheery view about US firms’ prospects. So what gives? Near-term expectations are, in fact, appropriately set and the fundamentals of the US market are better than they appear.
Video: Pandemics, Protests And Outperformance

Video: Pandemics, Protests And Outperformance

7 May 2020
Hong Kong’s GDP contracted almost -9% year-on-year in the first quarter, as the impact of the coronavirus hammered an economy already severely weakened by the last year’s anti-government street protests. In this video interview, Tom examines the storms battering Asia’s premier financial center, and accounts for the resilience of its financial system.
Video: The US’s Exit From Lockdown

Video: The US’s Exit From Lockdown

30 Apr 2020
The United States is moving towards a release from its lockdown. With individual states treading different paths, the process looks messy and accident-prone. However, Yanmei argues that investors should look through the noise of states’ rights arguments as the US is cranking up Covid-19 testing and generally heading in the right direction.
Video: North Korea's Succession Question

Video: North Korea's Succession Question

23 Apr 2020
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un failed to show up to last week’s celebration of the birthday of his grandfather, North Korea’s founder Kim Il-sung, sparking vivid speculation about his health and the chain of succession in the isolated country. In this video interview Yanmei breaks down what could happen in a power vacuum left by the supreme leader.
Video: Europe's Unfinished Business

Video: Europe's Unfinished Business

16 Apr 2020
Eurozone finance ministers attempted to put a positive spin on the no strings €500bn Covid-19 relief package they agreed last week. But everyone is unhappy with the deal. With Italy’s debt to GDP ratio set to soar, Rome is calling for the mutualization of debt among eurozone economies; something Berlin and the Hague have ruled out.


Webinar: Europe In The Second Wave

Webinar: Europe In The Second Wave

1 Oct 2020
Yesterday Cedric Gemehl, Nick Andrews and Anatole Kaletsky joined Tom Holland to discuss what's going on in Europe. Topics ranged from how the economy is fairing in the second wave of the outbreak, what that means for asset prices, and also where Brexit fits into all this.
Webinar: Taking Stock Of US-China Decoupling

Webinar: Taking Stock Of US-China Decoupling

24 Sep 2020
In yesterday’s webinar, Andrew Batson presented an overview of where the Chinese economy is going and how the relationship with the US is evolving, and Dan Wang addressed recent US actions in the technological rivalry between the two countries, particularly the latest executive orders on WeChat and TikTok.
Webinar: Embattled India

Webinar: Embattled India

18 Sep 2020
India has taken a bigger economic hit from the pandemic than any other major economy, exacerbating a slowdown that was already underway. In addition, India is engaged in a high-stakes standff with China over its Himalayan border, which may force an economic decoupling of the two countries.
Webinar: From Bearish To (Conditionally) Bullish

Webinar: From Bearish To (Conditionally) Bullish

11 Sep 2020
Anatole and Will presented their views on the efficacy of US fiscal and monetary policy in response to the Covid crisis, and outlined the prospects for the economy and asset markets.
Webinar: Global Investment Roundtable (in French), Sept 2020

Webinar: Global Investment Roundtable (in French), Sept 2020

9 Sep 2020
In a turbulent economic environment, Louis sought to identify assets with “anti-fragile” qualities; Cedric deciphered the message from European markets; Didier Darcet refreshed refresh an old Gavekal framework with “Four Quadrants 2.0” and Charles moderated the discussion.
Webinar: Global Investment Roundtable, September 2020

Webinar: Global Investment Roundtable, September 2020

4 Sep 2020
Charles Gave, Louis Gave and Will Denyer joined Arthur Kroeber at the global investment roundtable to discuss what's going on in the global economy. Charles identified three big trends that will affect the investment environment in the long term, Will gave an in-dept update on the US economy, and Louis examined where to find assets with “anti-fragile” properties.
Webinar: Global Investment Roundtable, July 2020

Webinar: Global Investment Roundtable, July 2020

31 Jul 2020
In our monthly Global Investment Roundtable, US analyst Tan Kai Xian analyzed the latest US data and assessed the risk that the present economic stall-out turns into a double-dip recession. Arthur Kroeber explained why the Trump Administration has amped up its Cold War rhetoric on China. Anatole Kaletsky tied it all together and tried to explain the recent movements in global markets.
Webinar: The Direction For Europe

Webinar: The Direction For Europe

22 Jul 2020
Anatole Kaletsky, Cedric Gemehl and Nick Andrews joined Louis Gave to talk about what lies in store for the European Union in light of Tuesdays agreement on a €750 billion Covid-19 recovery fund.
Webinar: China's Capital And Bond Markets

Webinar: China's Capital And Bond Markets

14 Jul 2020
On Tuesday morning Thomas Gatley and Wei He joined Arthur Kroeber to discuss the Chinese equity bull market and the major reversal in the bond market.
Webinar: A New European Dawn?

Webinar: A New European Dawn?

8 Jul 2020
Yesterday Nick and Cedric presented on the topic of their latest Strategy Monthly: A New European Dawn. In this they argue that Europe is finally embracing fundamental reform that should change the investment environment. Anatole offered his take on why the European Union is heading in a “Hamiltonian” direction.
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