

Video: Weighing The Fed’s Unconventional Options

Video: Weighing The Fed’s Unconventional Options

9 Jun 2021
The Federal Reserve’s next move is likely to be verbal guidance over a tapering of asset purchases, argues Will. That is increasingly a consensus market position, so in this interview he explores other policy options that the Fed could choose to pursue.
Video: Fixing China’s Population Crunch

Video: Fixing China’s Population Crunch

4 Jun 2021
China’s latest census revealed a low fertility rate, pointing to the population soon topping out. In response, the government has said that couples can now have up to three children but, as things stand, there is no reason to think that they will. In this video interview, Gilliam assesses the various policy levers that the authorities can pull to stop the Chinese nation getting smaller.
Video: Buy The Crypto Dip?

Video: Buy The Crypto Dip?

25 May 2021
Crypto-currency prices have plunged in the last two weeks on a bad brew of news. Will wants to believe in crypto-currencies as an alternative form of money. However, he has struggled to see how such tokens make the jump to being “money”, with all that entails. The question is whether after such a big price drawdown, this skepticism is now discounted into the price.
Video: Renewed Covid Changes Asia’s Macro Drivers

Video: Renewed Covid Changes Asia’s Macro Drivers

19 May 2021
Many Asian countries face a worsening Covid outbreak, even as the region’s mostly commodity-importing economies face sharply rising prices for energy and raw materials. Asia did go into this crisis with significant policy headroom, so it retains room for action but as Udith and Vincent discuss in this video interview that is now narrowing.
Video: The Chill In EU-China Relations

Video: The Chill In EU-China Relations

12 May 2021
Hailed as a breakthrough when it was struck back in December, the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement On Investment is in trouble, with little chance the deal will be ratified in the European Parliament amid a deep deterioration in bilateral relations. Nick examines what the political frost means for the earnings of European companies operating in China.
Video: The Economic Impact Of India's Second Wave

Video: The Economic Impact Of India's Second Wave

7 May 2021
If India's latest Covid wave peaks in the next few weeks, economic catastrophe can be avoided. However, India does not have much policy space in which to operate, so the counter scenario of new and more virile mutations driving a worsening outbreak does mean that hitherto stoic local investors could yet throw in the towel on Indian risk assets.
Video: Towards A Sustainable Boom?

Video: Towards A Sustainable Boom?

28 Apr 2021
With a shoot-the-lights-out number universally expected when the US reports first quarter GDP data this week, Tan Kai Xian looks at the drivers propelling growth to determine whether US performance is sustainable, or just a flash in the pan. As a number of risks continue to loom large on the radar screen, in this video interview he assesses the implications of US growth for investors in risk assets.
Video: A Global Minimum Corporate Tax Rate Is Coming

Video: A Global Minimum Corporate Tax Rate Is Coming

22 Apr 2021
With Joe Biden in the White House, international proposals for a global minimum corporate tax rate are back on the table. In this video interview, Yanmei Xie and Udith Sikand weigh the probability of agreement on a global tax rate, assess the degree of resistance, and look at who will really end up bearing the burden of higher effective corporate tax rates.
Video: The UK Emerges, But To What?

Video: The UK Emerges, But To What?

16 Apr 2021
English consumers have this week embraced the end of lockdown and the reopening of non-essential services. Across Britain, a successful vaccination drive has raised hopes that drastically reduced Covid-19 infections and hospitalizations can be sustained as further restrictions are eased. In this video interview, Nick outlines what that is likely to mean for UK assets.
Video: Procedural Shortcuts And Political Roadblocks

Video: Procedural Shortcuts And Political Roadblocks

9 Apr 2021
For a president with a scant majority of one in the US Senate, Joe Biden has an extremely ambitious legislative agenda, starting with a US$2trn infrastructure spending and tax bill. Yanmei examines the procedural shortcuts and political roadblocks that may either smooth or obstruct Biden’s proposed legislation to assess how much of the program is actually likely to make it into US law.


Webinar: Inflation And Its Global Impacts

Webinar: Inflation And Its Global Impacts

21 May 2021
Markets have been roiled by rising US inflation that seems to be returning sooner than expected, and similar inflationary dynamics are starting to be seen in Europe. Our team of analysts addressed the inflation outlook in the US, Europe and emerging markets, and offered views on what it means for asset prices in these markets.
Webinar: The Semiconductor Endgame

Webinar: The Semiconductor Endgame

14 May 2021
It is increasingly clear that shortages of semiconductors are both more widespread and intractable than first thought. In the near term, the fear is of cascading disruption along the Asian electronics value chain. In the medium term, however, it is possible that massive supply responses create a glut of chips that causes prices to eventually crater.
Webinar: Global Investment Roundtable, May 2021

Webinar: Global Investment Roundtable, May 2021

7 May 2021
Joe Biden's enormous fiscal initiatives mark a potential sea change in the US government’s role in the economy. They may yet get watered down as the US president negotiates with more conservative members of his party, but tax and spend is clearly the new mantra in Washington DC. The question for investors is what this means for assets in the US and around the world.
Webinar: French-Language Webinar, May 2021

Webinar: French-Language Webinar, May 2021

5 May 2021
As the US and Europe begin to emerge from the pandemic, Louis assesses the key relationships in global markets, Cedric asks whether Europe will have a summer this year and what the economic effects will be and Didier presents the “Yellow Jacket” multiplier, as he introduces a new asset allocation tool.
Webinar: Biden Ups The Ante On Tax And Spend

Webinar: Biden Ups The Ante On Tax And Spend

30 Apr 2021
President Joe Biden has said that the US will make sweeping cuts to carbon dioxide emissions and impose tax hikes on the wealthy. For now, the US economy is recovering, but can this continue if risk takers pull in their horns as they will get less of the rewards?
Webinar: The Rise Of Regulatory Risk In China

Webinar: The Rise Of Regulatory Risk In China

23 Apr 2021
Risk is alive and well in China even amid a record economic recovery. Antitrust authorities are turning their attention to the rest of China's internet platforms, financial regulators are taking a tougher line and Chinese equity markets are looking a bit wobbly. In yesterday's webinar, our panel of China analysts discussed the latest regulatory developments and their implications for markets.
Webinar: Asset Allocation Amid Low Interest Rates

Webinar: Asset Allocation Amid Low Interest Rates

16 Apr 2021
Charles Gave likes to say he is a rules-based investor, and he’s never been short of ideas. In this webinar, Charles and Gavekal TrackMacro’s Didier Darcet presented their latest work on portfolio construction, including a tool to help fixed-income managers to get satisfactory returns despite punitively low yields.
Webinar: Global Investment Roundtable, April 2021

Webinar: Global Investment Roundtable, April 2021

9 Apr 2021
In the long years between the 2008-09 financial crash and the 2020 Covid crisis the US stock market massively outperformed equities in the rest of the world. In recent quarters, however, the US market has lost its edge. Yesterday, Louis, KX and Udith weighed the merits of ex-US equities versus US stocks in a post-pandemic world.
Webinar: The Macro And Market Implications Of Europe’s Pandemic Response Shambles

Webinar: The Macro And Market Implications Of Europe’s Pandemic Response Shambles

2 Apr 2021
As the European Union’s vaccination program stumbles from one misstep to another, investors are being forced to put back their expectations for European economic recovery, while a procurement scandal in Germany raises the probability that the pandemic will have a long-term effect on the EU’s political landscape. Anatole, Cedric and Nick examined the near-term market impact and long-term economic policy implications.
Webinar: The Future Of The Great US Rotation

Webinar: The Future Of The Great US Rotation

26 Mar 2021
Much has happened in the US in the last eight weeks. More than 80mn Americans have been vaccinated against Covid, Congress has passed a stimulus bill worth 9% of GDP, and the Fed has confirmed its determination to remain among the most peaceable of inflation doves. In response, 10-year US treasury yields have leapt, and the rotation from growth stocks to value has grown more violent even as the broad equity market has ascended new heights. In yesterday's webinar Will and KX will assessed the US macro environment and examined whether the rotations in favor of value stocks and Covid-losers have further to run.
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