Gavekal Dragonomics

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Tech Policy Won’t Fix The Job Market

Gavekal Dragonomics


Tech Policy Won’t Fix The Job Market

Ernan Cui
26 Jul 2024
China’s policymakers are pursuing a profound transformation of the economy through a technology-focused development strategy. But Ernan argues that channeling more investment into high-tech manufacturing industries is highly unlikely to create many new jobs. It’s difficult to see how the current policy strategy could tighten the job market, and in turn boost household consumption.
Xi Goes All In On Tech

Gavekal Dragonomics


Xi Goes All In On Tech

Tilly Zhang
24 Jul 2024
At its Third Plenum, China’s Communist Party leadership did not have much to say about urgent economic issues like the struggling real-estate sector or downbeat consumer spending, instead laying out a detailed plan for boosting science and technology. Anyone surprised by this has not been listening to what top leader Xi Jinping has been saying for the last several years. In this piece, Tilly Zhang explains the thinking behind Xi’s all-in bet on science and technology.

Gavekal Dragonomics


Priorities At The Third Plenum

Andrew Batson
22 Jul 2024
The long-awaited Third Plenum of the Communist Party offered top leader Xi Jinping a platform to address the gap between his long-term vision of China’s technological rise, and the short-term reality of disappointing growth. In this piece, Andrew explains what the priorities Xi signaled at the plenum mean for economic policymaking.

Gavekal Research


Video: Towards A Trade War On All Fronts

Yanmei Xie
17 Jul 2024
A new spirit of mercantilism is abroad in the US, with Donald Trump’s Republican Party proposing a “baseline tariff” on all goods imports, as well as targeted higher tariffs on imports from China, should it capture the White House in November’s election. In this interview, Yanmei assesses what this means.

Featured report

Gavekal Dragonomics


The Financial Risk Report 2024

Xiaoxi Zhang
10 Jun 2024
China's property-market downturn exacerbated debt strains last year among the two biggest financial weak points: local-government financing vehicles and real-estate developers. But the fortunes of the two groups of borrowers have since diverged substantially. This chartbook assesses that divergence, and explores the implications for the government, commercial banks, bond markets and other creditors.

Gavekal Dragonomics

Another Warning To Bond Markets
Wei He
Growth Decelerates
Wei He, Dragonomics Team
Webinar: Setting The Agenda For China's Plenum
Andrew Batson, Thomas Gatley, Tilly Zhang
The Localization Drive Steps Up
Tilly Zhang
Dealing With The Next Wave Of Bad Loans
Xiaoxi Zhang
Food Security Is Back
Ernan Cui
The PBOC’s New Yield Floor
Wei He
The Missing Consumer Stimulus
Andrew Batson

Gavekal Dragonomics


Securing The Western Frontier

Tom Miller
16 Dec 2021
China looks like a winner from the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, now free to tighten its grip on Central Asia. In this DeepChina report, Tom explains the complex reality of the latest round of the "great game." China is getting closer to Russia, skeptical of Afghanistan and Pakistan, and consolidating its economic hold on Turkmenistan.


Gavekal Dragonomics


A User's Guide To The Chinese Stock Market

Thomas Gatley
2 Apr 2019
China’s onshore equity markets are now large and accessible enough that they can no longer be ignored by foreign investors—but idiosyncratic enough that they are hard to understand. This in-depth DeepChina report explains the fundamentals: What is there to invest in? Who owns the market? How can foreigners invest? How is the market regulated?


Gavekal Dragonomics


A User's Guide To The Chinese Bond Market

Wei He, Xiaoxi Zhang
30 Jun 2021
The expansion and opening of China’s onshore renminbi bond market is one of the biggest changes to the structure of global financial markets in recent years, one that investors are still grappling with. In this comprehensive 30-page DeepChina report, our analysts present a guide to the nature and functioning of this important market.

Gavekal Dragonomics

Behind The Incredible Export Boom

Thomas Gatley
Chinese export growth ostensibly continues to outpace the rest of the world this year, but Thomas believes this could in part be due to misleading data. Exporters have been incentivized to reduce their under-invoicing, which has in turn materially inflated China’s export growth over the past three years.

Managing Covid

The Chinese Consumer In 2023
The Invisible Second Wave
Shanghai Seminar — April 2023
The Reopening Recovery Is On Track
Macro Update: Reversal, Reopening, Recovery
Webinar: China’s Covid Surge And The Reopening Rally