

Video: The Chill In EU-China Relations

Video: The Chill In EU-China Relations

12 May 2021
Hailed as a breakthrough when it was struck back in December, the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement On Investment is in trouble, with little chance the deal will be ratified in the European Parliament amid a deep deterioration in bilateral relations. Nick examines what the political frost means for the earnings of European companies operating in China.
Video: The Economic Impact Of India's Second Wave

Video: The Economic Impact Of India's Second Wave

7 May 2021
If India's latest Covid wave peaks in the next few weeks, economic catastrophe can be avoided. However, India does not have much policy space in which to operate, so the counter scenario of new and more virile mutations driving a worsening outbreak does mean that hitherto stoic local investors could yet throw in the towel on Indian risk assets.
Video: Towards A Sustainable Boom?

Video: Towards A Sustainable Boom?

28 Apr 2021
With a shoot-the-lights-out number universally expected when the US reports first quarter GDP data this week, Tan Kai Xian looks at the drivers propelling growth to determine whether US performance is sustainable, or just a flash in the pan. As a number of risks continue to loom large on the radar screen, in this video interview he assesses the implications of US growth for investors in risk assets.
Video: A Global Minimum Corporate Tax Rate Is Coming

Video: A Global Minimum Corporate Tax Rate Is Coming

22 Apr 2021
With Joe Biden in the White House, international proposals for a global minimum corporate tax rate are back on the table. In this video interview, Yanmei Xie and Udith Sikand weigh the probability of agreement on a global tax rate, assess the degree of resistance, and look at who will really end up bearing the burden of higher effective corporate tax rates.
Video: The UK Emerges, But To What?

Video: The UK Emerges, But To What?

16 Apr 2021
English consumers have this week embraced the end of lockdown and the reopening of non-essential services. Across Britain, a successful vaccination drive has raised hopes that drastically reduced Covid-19 infections and hospitalizations can be sustained as further restrictions are eased. In this video interview, Nick outlines what that is likely to mean for UK assets.
Video: Procedural Shortcuts And Political Roadblocks

Video: Procedural Shortcuts And Political Roadblocks

9 Apr 2021
For a president with a scant majority of one in the US Senate, Joe Biden has an extremely ambitious legislative agenda, starting with a US$2trn infrastructure spending and tax bill. Yanmei examines the procedural shortcuts and political roadblocks that may either smooth or obstruct Biden’s proposed legislation to assess how much of the program is actually likely to make it into US law.
Video: Unpacking The NFT Hype

Video: Unpacking The NFT Hype

31 Mar 2021
What’s a “non-fungible token”? Why would anyone pay millions of dollars for one? And what do they have to do with blockchains? In this video interview, Will unpacks the latest craze to explain what buying an NFT actually gets you, and considers whether this is a useful new technology or yet another case of blockchain hype.
Video: Pushing Less Hard On The String

Video: Pushing Less Hard On The String

25 Mar 2021
Concluding a long-awaited policy review, last week the Bank of Japan signaled that after almost a decade of pursuing titanic quantitative easing targets, it will be looking to make fewer asset purchases from now on. In this short video interview, Udith weighs the implications for Japan’s economy, its bond market, the yen, and Japanese equities.
Video: Conflicting Forces In The Hong Kong Market

Video: Conflicting Forces In The Hong Kong Market

18 Mar 2021
The Hong Kong stock market started 2021 as one of the world’s best performing, gaining 14% in the first six weeks of the year. In the weeks since, however, Hong Kong-listed equities have given back half those gains as sentiment has soured. In this short video interview, Vincent weighs the opposing forces at work in the local market to assess how they are likely to play out in the future.
Video: US Equities In A Changed Macro Environment

Video: US Equities In A Changed Macro Environment

9 Mar 2021
US tech stocks have been hit hard, as attention focuses on the underlying quality of themes like the migration to electric vehicles. Yet this shakeup is also happening against the backdrop of a fast-changing investment environment due to a strengthening US growth outlook, rising inflationary pressure and an unnerved bond market which is driving yields higher. In this video interview, Will seeks to unpack these dynamics in order to navigate a course through difficult trading conditions.


Webinar: China's Conflicting Pressures In The Second Half

Webinar: China's Conflicting Pressures In The Second Half

9 Jul 2021
China is entering the second half of 2021 with its strong post-Covid economic momentum still intact, despite policymakers staying consistently hawkish on debt and property. In this webinar Wei He, Rosealea Yao and Thomas Gatley outlined how these conflicting pressures will play out over the rest of the year, and discussed the potential for an easing of the policy stance.
Webinar: Can Things Really Keep Getting Better?

Webinar: Can Things Really Keep Getting Better?

2 Jul 2021
The US economy continues to break growth records as it reopens and other big regions may be set to go the same way, while Asia continues to prosper from a strong export outlook. The question is not whether the world economy slumps back into a funk, but whether growth expectations are now set too bullish.
Webinar: Can Europe Normalize?

Webinar: Can Europe Normalize?

25 Jun 2021
In yesterday's webinar, Cedric and Nick assessed the risks and opportunities associated with Europe's economic reopening, the effectiveness of the new Recovery Fund backed by mutualized debt, and the signs heading into a new political season in which Euroskeptic parties stand to do well.
Webinar: The Market Impact Of US Policymakers

Webinar: The Market Impact Of US Policymakers

18 Jun 2021
In yesterday’s webinar, our team of US analysts considered what the Federal Reserve's tentative moves to normalize monetary policy means for growth and asset values. They also offered updates on US fiscal policy and anti-trust developments.
Webinar: The Risk To Emerging Markets

Webinar: The Risk To Emerging Markets

11 Jun 2021
In yesterday's webinar, Udith Sikand, Vincent Tsui and Tom Miller weighed up the risks of capital flight from emerging markets as the Federal Reserve again starts talk of tapering. They focused on the different outlook for Asian exporting powerhouses and commodity producers, and discussed India, which is emerging from a severe second wave of Covid-19.
Webinar: Global Investment Roundtable, June 2021

Webinar: Global Investment Roundtable, June 2021

4 Jun 2021
The big question is still about how durable the current burst of inflation will prove to be. Anatole and Louis joined Arthur to debate this—and everything else going on in the world economy—at our monthly global investment roundtable.
Webinar: The Commodity Spiral

Webinar: The Commodity Spiral

28 May 2021
Global commodity prices have been on a tear in recent weeks due to strong global growth prospects and constricted supply. The macro picture, however, is murky, with China simultaneously being the driver of soaring iron ore prices while moving to tighten controls over property and infrastructure spending. Rosealea and Louis explained the overall outlook for metals and energy.
Webinar: Inflation And Its Global Impacts

Webinar: Inflation And Its Global Impacts

21 May 2021
Markets have been roiled by rising US inflation that seems to be returning sooner than expected, and similar inflationary dynamics are starting to be seen in Europe. Our team of analysts addressed the inflation outlook in the US, Europe and emerging markets, and offered views on what it means for asset prices in these markets.
Webinar: The Semiconductor Endgame

Webinar: The Semiconductor Endgame

14 May 2021
It is increasingly clear that shortages of semiconductors are both more widespread and intractable than first thought. In the near term, the fear is of cascading disruption along the Asian electronics value chain. In the medium term, however, it is possible that massive supply responses create a glut of chips that causes prices to eventually crater.
Webinar: Global Investment Roundtable, May 2021

Webinar: Global Investment Roundtable, May 2021

7 May 2021
Joe Biden's enormous fiscal initiatives mark a potential sea change in the US government’s role in the economy. They may yet get watered down as the US president negotiates with more conservative members of his party, but tax and spend is clearly the new mantra in Washington DC. The question for investors is what this means for assets in the US and around the world.
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