

Video: The Debt Ceiling Is Back

Video: The Debt Ceiling Is Back

22 Jul 2021
After a two-year suspension, the US debt ceiling will soon be reimposed at current levels. Official estimates suggest that the Treasury can delay defaulting on its debt for three to four months. That is shorter than the five months the Treasury was able to delay during a similar standoff over the debt ceiling in 2019. Ultimately, Congress should act and default will be avoided.
Video: The IMF Weighs In

Video: The IMF Weighs In

15 Jul 2021
Large emerging markets have managed through the pandemic decently well, yet the debilitating economic effects of Covid mean stresses are appearing among lower quality national borrowers. This is one reason that the International Monetary Fund is set to expand distribution of its "Special Drawing Rights" reserve-type asset by US$650bn.
Video: How Brexit Britain Shapes Up

Video: How Brexit Britain Shapes Up

8 Jul 2021
Six months after the UK properly left the European Union, the shape of the emerging post-Brexit economy is becoming a little clearer. Despite distorting effects from the pandemic, the impact on trade from being outside the EU’s single market can be seen, arguments about the UK’s position as a manufacturing hub can be tested and the future shape of Britain’s once super-charged financial services sector is coming into focus. Nick Andrews reviews recent developments in this video interview and offers pointers for the future.
Video: Can Italy Recover?

Video: Can Italy Recover?

1 Jul 2021
In response to the Covid economic shock, the European Union has vowed to adopt more expansive fiscal responses and limited mutualization of national debts. The country where this approach will fall, or rise is Italy. In this interview, Nick offers a view on whether it will be enough for Italy to mount a comeback.
Video: The US Housing Sector Rolls Over

Video: The US Housing Sector Rolls Over

25 Jun 2021
The US housing market has been booming for the past year, with prices setting a record-high in data released this week. However, a decline in affordability, coupled with the potential for higher mortgage rates, is weighing on demand and has started to force a shift from a buyer-led market to a renter-led market.
Video: The New Normal For Antitrust

Video: The New Normal For Antitrust

18 Jun 2021
Earlier this week, outspoken “Big Tech” critic Lina Khan was named chair of the Federal Trade Commission after a bipartisan vote. In this interview, Yanmei assesses to what degree this signals a harder line on antitrust issues by the Biden administration, and whether the US’s big tech firms have reason to be worried.
Video: Weighing The Fed’s Unconventional Options

Video: Weighing The Fed’s Unconventional Options

9 Jun 2021
The Federal Reserve’s next move is likely to be verbal guidance over a tapering of asset purchases, argues Will. That is increasingly a consensus market position, so in this interview he explores other policy options that the Fed could choose to pursue.
Video: Fixing China’s Population Crunch

Video: Fixing China’s Population Crunch

4 Jun 2021
China’s latest census revealed a low fertility rate, pointing to the population soon topping out. In response, the government has said that couples can now have up to three children but, as things stand, there is no reason to think that they will. In this video interview, Gilliam assesses the various policy levers that the authorities can pull to stop the Chinese nation getting smaller.
Video: Buy The Crypto Dip?

Video: Buy The Crypto Dip?

25 May 2021
Crypto-currency prices have plunged in the last two weeks on a bad brew of news. Will wants to believe in crypto-currencies as an alternative form of money. However, he has struggled to see how such tokens make the jump to being “money”, with all that entails. The question is whether after such a big price drawdown, this skepticism is now discounted into the price.
Video: Renewed Covid Changes Asia’s Macro Drivers

Video: Renewed Covid Changes Asia’s Macro Drivers

19 May 2021
Many Asian countries face a worsening Covid outbreak, even as the region’s mostly commodity-importing economies face sharply rising prices for energy and raw materials. Asia did go into this crisis with significant policy headroom, so it retains room for action but as Udith and Vincent discuss in this video interview that is now narrowing.


Webinar: Global Investment Roundtable, October 2021

Webinar: Global Investment Roundtable, October 2021

8 Oct 2021
In Thursday's Global Investment Roundtable, Louis argued that shortages of everything from microchips to natural gas are structural in nature and augur a radical change in the investing environment. Anatole, in contrast, said that current supply disruptions are likely transitory and the inflation panic should pass relatively soon.
Webinar: Having It Both Ways In Emerging Markets

Webinar: Having It Both Ways In Emerging Markets

1 Oct 2021
The question for emerging market policymakers is: do they follow the Federal Reserve and tighten monetary policy in anticipation of "taper tantrum II"? Or do they, instead, try and stimulate their weakened economies by keeping money cheap and hope this does not prompt a disorderly exit of capital?
Webinar: European Course Correction, Or Steady On Ahead?

Webinar: European Course Correction, Or Steady On Ahead?

24 Sep 2021
Germans will soon go to the polls, while the European Central Bank has denied media reports that it is considering raising interest rates early. In other words, there is no shortage of news and events that may make markets jittery. In this webinar our Europe team attempt to make sense of it all and plot Europe’s likely fiscal and monetary course.
Webinar: The Evergrande Crisis

Webinar: The Evergrande Crisis

23 Sep 2021
Markets have reacted violently to China Evergrande Group starting to default on US$300bn of obligations. The worry is that a disorderly failure causes a systemic crisis that dents Chinese growth and upends other emerging markets. Our team of analysts think such a chaotic denouement is unlikely and a managed solution remains the most likely outcome. In this webinar, they explain their thinking.
Webinar: Questions Arise As US Growth Slows

Webinar: Questions Arise As US Growth Slows

17 Sep 2021
As renewed Covid outbreaks curtail activity and the labor market starts to normalize, the US economy is no longer generating big upside growth surprises. Will the Federal Reserve defer its retreat from super-easy monetary policy, and what will come of the Biden administration's fiscal strategy?
Webinar: Understanding China's Regulatory Crackdown

Webinar: Understanding China's Regulatory Crackdown

10 Sep 2021
Even by China’s high standards, 2021 has seen an extraordinary amount of government intervention in the economy, as top leader Xi Jinping moves aggressively to implement his vision of national greatness. In this webinar our China team assess the impact on the economy and markets, and discuss what could cause this crackdown to pause or reverse.
Webinar: Global Investment Roundtable, August 2021

Webinar: Global Investment Roundtable, August 2021

6 Aug 2021
The US growth outlook may be softening as the reopening boom weakens but equity markets seem relaxed as this outcome could delay the day when monetary stimulus is withdrawn. In our sign-off webinar for August, Gavekal partners asked if markets are right in their benign assessment, or whether a nasty surprise could emerge over the usually quiet summer months.
Webinar: Europe Caught Between Stools

Webinar: Europe Caught Between Stools

30 Jul 2021
The US has taken an approach to the pandemic that involves reopening and “living with Covid”, whereas most East Asian economies are heading down the "zero-Covid" path. Europe seems to be caught between these two stools. Which way Europe turns could have a big impact on global growth, the value of the euro and key asset values.
Webinar: The State Of Global Growth

Webinar: The State Of Global Growth

23 Jul 2021
The reflation trade has ebbed in recent weeks as investors have gotten more comfortable with the trajectory of US monetary policy and concerns have risen over the Delta variant of Covid disrupting economic opening. At the same time, China continues to crack down on its high-growth internet sector. Our team assessed the market implications of these trends.
Webinar: What's Behind China's Internet Crackdown?

Webinar: What's Behind China's Internet Crackdown?

16 Jul 2021
China's authorities have aggressively tightened regulation of the formerly free-wheeling internet sector. In this webinar, Gavekal RedTech principal Michael Clendenin joined Gavekal Dragonomics's Ernan Cui and Thomas Gatley to analyze the government's motives in the ever-widening crackdown, forecast the next regulatory moves and explain how investors can navigate the risks.
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