

Video: The US Economic Response

Video: The US Economic Response

9 Apr 2020
The US government has promised unprecedented support to individuals and businesses who face loss of income as a result of Covid-19. Will Denyer weighs the measures to see if they will be enough to sufficiently limit the economic damage wrought.
Video: The US Can Do A V-Shaped Recovery

Video: The US Can Do A V-Shaped Recovery

2 Apr 2020
The US economy can be assumed to already be in recession, yet KX is relatively confident in its ability to generate a V-shaped recovery once lockdowns are materially eased.
Video: What's Up With The Pound

Video: What's Up With The Pound

25 Mar 2020
Along with other second-tier currencies the British pound fell steeply between early and mid-March as investors dashed to get their hands on US dollar cash. That US dollar liquidity squeeze has now eased, and sterling has found a near-term bottom. But the outlook for the British currency remains clouded amid the UK’s coronavirus lockdown.
Video: Time For A Fiscal Union?

Video: Time For A Fiscal Union?

17 Mar 2020
The coronavirus pandemic, with its calls for a coordinated European Union-wide fiscal stimulus to counter the inevitable economic ill-effects, would appear to be the ideal opportunity to press forward with the next big step towards European integration by forging a eurozone fiscal union. But things are not so simple.
Video: Regime Change In The Oil Market

Video: Regime Change In The Oil Market

12 Mar 2020
The breakup of the Opec+ oil cartel and the ensuing price war between Russia and Saudi Arabia triggered a -30% fall in the price of oil and spooked financial markets. Moscow has upended the monopolistic pricing regime that has supported the price of oil over the last three years. Tom Holland examines the consequences of the oil market’s regime change.
Video: What Can The ECB Do?

Video: What Can The ECB Do?

5 Mar 2020
This week the US federal Reserve cut interest rates to counter the effects of the coronavirus outbreak, and the European Central Bank promised to follow suit with “appropriate” measures of its own. But eurozone policy rates are already negative, which severely limits the scope for further cuts.
Video: Still The Safest Port In A Macro Storm

Video: Still The Safest Port In A Macro Storm

27 Feb 2020
It took a while, but fear of contagion is gripping Wall Street. In the last week, the S&P 500 has fallen -8%, while 10-year US treasury bills have hit a new all-time low. Yet the risk-off move in US asset markets triggered by worries the coronavirus epidemic is turning into a global pandemic is at odds with underlying US fundamentals.
Video: Will The Economic Contagion Hit Europe?

Video: Will The Economic Contagion Hit Europe?

19 Feb 2020
Europe’s financial markets are sending mixed signals. On one hand, fears about the eurozone's exposure to China’s coronavirus-hit economy have pushed the euro to a 21-month low against the US dollar. On the other, euro-denominated stocks are hitting record highs. In this interview Nick examines the mixed message.
Video: Hong Kong's Viral Woes

Video: Hong Kong's Viral Woes

14 Feb 2020
For Hong Kong’s economy, already in recession after eight months of anti-government street protests, the Chinese coronavirus outbreak comes as a fresh blow falling on the existing bruise. Inevitably, the effect will be painful. Yet as Vincent explains, the Hong Kong economy has considerable resilience.
Video: When Oil Hits The Floor

Video: When Oil Hits The Floor

6 Feb 2020
No financial market has been hit more heavily by the Wuhan coronavirus than oil, with the price of crude falling by more than -20% from its early-January high on fears the outbreak will crush China’s demand for fuels. In this short video, Tom examines the global implications of the oil price slide, and asks “where next?” for the price of the world’s key commodity.


Webinar: Global Investment Roundtable, June 2020

Webinar: Global Investment Roundtable, June 2020

30 Jun 2020
Yesterday Louis Gave, Will Denyer and Andrew Batson joined Arthur Kroeber at the Global Investment Roundtable. They discussed the economic growth and market situation in the US, the state of the Chinese recovery, and what a post-Covid-19 world might look like.
Webinar: Global Update (French), June 2020

Webinar: Global Update (French), June 2020

24 Jun 2020
In yesterday's webinar for our Francophone audience, Charles and Louis Gave, Cedric Gemehl and Didier Darcet updated viewers on their views of asset markets and government responses to the economic calamity caused by Covid-19.
Webinar: Emerging Market Update, June 2020

Webinar: Emerging Market Update, June 2020

17 Jun 2020
In yesterday’s webinar, Udith Sikand, Vincent Tsui and Tom Miller joined Arthur Kroeber to present the general outlook for emerging market assets and currencies, as well as discuss the situation in India.
Webinar: China's Economic Outlook After The NPC

Webinar: China's Economic Outlook After The NPC

3 Jun 2020
China research director Andrew Batson was joined by China macroeconomist Wei He and Asia analyst Vincent Tsui to discuss the news from the National People's Congress and what it means for China's economic recovery, the likely direction of fiscal and monetary policy, and the consequences of Hong Kong's national security law.
Webinar: Global Investment Roundtable, May 2020

Webinar: Global Investment Roundtable, May 2020

29 May 2020
Yesterday Louis Gave, Charles Gave and Anatole Kaletsky joined Arthur Kroeber at the Global Investment Roundtable. They discussed different scenarios for how and when the world’s major economies can exit the Covid-19 crisis and what it means for investors.
Webinar: The Future Of Hong Kong

Webinar: The Future Of Hong Kong

27 May 2020
Louis Gave, Simon Pritchard and Vincent Tsui joined Arthur Kroeber to talk about the national security law which China's National People's Congress announced it will implement in Hong Kong, and what this could mean for Hong Kong's future as a global financial center.
Webinar: US Outlook (May 2020)

Webinar: US Outlook (May 2020)

21 May 2020
In yesterday's webinar, Will Denyer, Tan Kai Xian and Yanmei Xie joined Simon to discuss the outlook for the US and answer viewer questions as the country tries to return to normal after Covid-19 lockdowns.
Webinar: Europe Update (May 2020)

Webinar: Europe Update (May 2020)

20 May 2020
In yesterday's webinar, Anatole Kaletsky, Cedric Gemehl and Nick Andrews joined Louis Gave to assess policy measures to deal with Covid-19 in Europe and discuss the significance of a €500bn coronavirus Recovery Fund.
Webinar: China And The US Race Toward The Precipice

Webinar: China And The US Race Toward The Precipice

15 May 2020
The rivalry between the US and China has taken a turn for the worse during the Covid-19 pandemic. In yesterday’s webinar, Tom Miller talked about how China has attempted to use the pandemic in its global influence strategy. Dan Wang updated viewers on the technology rivalry. And Arthur Kroeber outlined how the US-China relationship got to this point.
Webinar: The Kitsune Market — Tail Risks In An Unnatural Time

Webinar: The Kitsune Market — Tail Risks In An Unnatural Time

13 May 2020
Most of the world’s big economies have been shut down in response to a pandemic disease—a truly unprecedented event. This led to extreme market moves and also generated an unusually large array of tail risks. Louis likens these to the nine tails of the magical kitsune or fox of Japanese mythology. In yesterday's webinar he elaborated on this idea.
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