

Video: How Much Downside For The Renminbi?

Video: How Much Downside For The Renminbi?

17 May 2019
Since the US slapped fresh tariffs on Chinese exports a week ago, the renminbi has fallen, but by less than when the first round of tariffs were imposed last year. In this video interview, Chen Long discusses why that is, and how far China’s currency is likely to fall if things get worse.
Video: Is The Worst Over For The Eurozone?

Video: Is The Worst Over For The Eurozone?

10 May 2019
Eurozone economic growth was modest in the first quarter of 2019, but it was still stronger than most economists had expected, with Germany avoiding a recession and Italy returning to growth. Meanwhile eurozone equity markets are up a respectable 13% over the year to date. Does this mean Europe is emerging from its economic soft patch?
Video: India's Acceleration Phenomenon Explained

Video: India's Acceleration Phenomenon Explained

3 May 2019
Multinationals and investors are looking to India to deliver the next great surge in sales of consumer goods and services. But demand will not expand in a linear fashion as GDP increases. The acceleration phenomenon dictates that sales of different products and services will grow in leaps and bounds as cohorts of new consumers surpass key income thresholds.
Video: India's Hard-To-Call Election

Video: India's Hard-To-Call Election

18 Apr 2019
India’s cacophonous exercise in democracy is well underway and polling suggests there is only a 50% chance of a Narendra Modi-led BJP holding onto power. Tom dives into the details of why the “bear-hugging” reformer has electoral problems this time around. Tom also considers the likely outcome of the election for Indian asset markets.
Video: Where Now For EU-China Relations?

Video: Where Now For EU-China Relations?

12 Apr 2019
The annual EU-China summit concluded this week with usual diplomatic platitudes about deepening partnerships and strengthening cooperation. But the meeting took place against a backdrop of heightened tensions, after the EU declared China a “systemic rival” and with many European politicians highly critical of China’s economic nationalism.
Video: Chinese Property Is Slowing, Not Collapsing

Video: Chinese Property Is Slowing, Not Collapsing

5 Apr 2019
Home sales in China fell by 3.6% in the first two months of 2019. This, however, was better than expected considering that this upcycle is now four years old. Lower mortgage rates and supportive policies by local governments should prop up demand, and Rosealea expects overall housing sales to decline a modest 2% for the year.
Video: Europe's Response To China

Video: Europe's Response To China

27 Mar 2019
Europe has an ambivalent relationship with China that is increasingly under scrutiny. The European Commission recently labelled China a “systemic rival” and France and Germany want to create corporate champions to compete against Chinese state owned enterprises. Europe, however, is not singing from the same hymn sheet.
Video: Intervention To Support The HKD Signals Strength, Not Weakness

Video: Intervention To Support The HKD Signals Strength, Not Weakness

21 Mar 2019
In the last two weeks, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority has been forced to sell US dollars in the foreign exchange market to maintain the Hong Kong Dollar's peg to the US dollar. Yet far from signaling a crisis, the interventions are a symptom of confidence in Hong Kong’s financial system, which is swimming with liquidity.
Video: The Fed's Potential Paradigm Shift

Video: The Fed's Potential Paradigm Shift

15 Mar 2019
The Federal Reserve is debating a fundamental shift in its inflation targeting. Right now it's targeting 2% inflation no matter what it has been in the past, a so-called "bygones" policy. In this video interview Will discusses the consequences of switching to price-level targeting, where the aim is to keep average inflation over time at 2%.
Video: Shifting Sands At The Fed

Video: Shifting Sands At The Fed

6 Mar 2019
The US Federal Reserve has said it is likely to end its process of balance sheet “normalization” sooner than previously planned. This sounds like an obscure monetary technicality, but it has important implications for investors. In this video interview Will explains why.


London Seminar — October 2016

London Seminar — October 2016

19 Oct 2016
Charles Gave, Joyce Poon, Tom Miller and Anatole Kaletsky outlined their views on issues ranging from the end of the Pax Americana, global asset allocation in the face of increasingly ineffectual monetary policy, India's growth potential, and the imminent uncertainty for markets in the face of political risk.
Singapore Seminar—September 2016

Singapore Seminar—September 2016

26 Sep 2016
Audio and video from the latest Gavekal seminar in Singapore is available here. Louis Gave explains why financial markets have recently behaved predictably, and why that is about to change. Andrew Batson explains why Chinese policy making is in a holding pattern until next year's party congress is settled. Udith Sikand explains why this year's emerging market outperformance is likely to continue, as bonds and especially equities have turned a corner.
New York Seminar—May 2016

New York Seminar—May 2016

24 May 2016
We are pleased to present audio from our seminar in New York earlier this week with Charles Gave, Will Denyer, Anatole Kaletsky and Arthur Kroeber
Hong Kong Seminar—April 2016

Hong Kong Seminar—April 2016

13 Apr 2016
We are pleased to present recordings and slides from our Hong Kong seminar with Louis-Vincent Gave, Will Denyer and Andrew Batson. Louis examines an important recent development: the US dollar has stopped rising. Will diagnoses the health of the US economy in one chart. And Andrew discusses three scenarios for China: doom, boom and muddle-through.
London Seminar—April 2016

London Seminar—April 2016

11 Apr 2016
London Seminar—April 2016
London Seminar: The Aggresively Friendly Giant

London Seminar: The Aggresively Friendly Giant

27 Oct 2015
What sort of country is China, and what sort of power does it want to be? In this presentation to our seminar in London, Tom Miller explains how to understand the signals China’s leaders have been sending. China wants to pursue great-power status, a process that may alienate its neighbors and will require adjustments from the US.
London Seminar Presentation Slides - October 2015

London Seminar Presentation Slides - October 2015

27 Oct 2015
These are the London Seminar presentation slides from October 2015
London Seminar Audio And Slides

London Seminar Audio And Slides

27 Oct 2015
We held our main fall seminar on October 27 in London, where Anatole Kaletsky, Francois-Xavier Chauchat, Neil Newman, Tom Miller and Louis-Vincent Gave presented their views on the global economy. Anatole discussed the implications of recent developments in financial markets; Francois examined Europe’s resilience to global headwinds; Neil outlined three major investment themes in Japan; Tom explored China’s regional foreign policy ambitions, and Louis asked whether the world is facing a solvency crisis, or a liquidity squeeze. As ever, their presentations were followed by a lively question and answer session.
Excerpt from Anatole Kaletsky's Hong Kong Seminar Presentation

Excerpt from Anatole Kaletsky's Hong Kong Seminar Presentation

21 Oct 2015
Excerpt From Anatole Kaletsky's Hong Kong Seminar Presentation
Hong Kong Seminar: Housing Explains Everything

Hong Kong Seminar: Housing Explains Everything

21 Oct 2015
What is the best way to sort through the complexities of China’s enormous, continent-sized economy? In this presentation to our seminar in Hong Kong, Andrew argues that if you understand what’s going on in the housing market, then you know pretty much everything you need to know about the Chinese economy.
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