

Video: The End Of The Trend?

Video: The End Of The Trend?

18 Oct 2019
For the past few years, US treasuries, the US dollar and the oil price have all broadly traded in a range. In fact, the only bankable trend for investors has been the outperformance of US equities, without which global stock indexes would still be trading at 2006 levels. However, there are signs that the investment environment is changing.
Video: India's Banking Blues

Video: India's Banking Blues

10 Oct 2019
A tweet by the Reserve Bank of India caused a bit of a stir last week, saying that the “…Indian banking system is safe and stable and there is no need to panic…”. It was after a small regional bank had been effectively put into receivership. While this doesn't pose a systemic risk, it's another consequence of Indian banks’ decade-old bad loan problem.
Video: Where The Fed Stands

Video: Where The Fed Stands

4 Oct 2019
Investors are nervous about weak US data and a liquidity squeeze in the US repo markets. They are now looking to the Federal Reserve for reassurance. In this video, Will tells us what policy changes to expect from the Fed at the end of this month and why.
Video: Where Next Hong Kong?

Video: Where Next Hong Kong?

26 Sep 2019
Hong Kong’s leader Carrie Lam today begins a process of civic engagement aimed at bridging the divide between an unpopular government and a diffuse movement that has engaged in 17 weeks of violent protest. Simon discusses whether economic goodies can buy off dissent and assesses the chances of a compromise political settlement.
Video: What Next In The Tech War

Video: What Next In The Tech War

20 Sep 2019
Washington views China as a strategic competitor, and the White House has promised a “whole of government” effort to constrain China’s development of key advanced technologies. Dan examines the three ways in which the US is making life difficult for Chinese tech companies, and explores other weapons the US could deploy should the tech war escalate.
Video: Washington, Iran And The Price Of Oil

Video: Washington, Iran And The Price Of Oil

13 Sep 2019
This week’s sacking of John Bolton as White House national security advisor triggered a fall in the price of oil as traders concluded the notorious war hawk’s departure paved the way for a relaxation of US sanctions on Iranian oil exports. That may be unlikely; US officials insist their policy of “maximum” pressure on Iran remains in force.
Video: Italian Politics Favors Bonds

Video: Italian Politics Favors Bonds

6 Sep 2019
Yesterday Italy’s new government took office, the 66th since 1946. Meanwhile, Italian bond yields have reached record lows. Nick attributes this to two factors. First the global bond rally. Second, the shifting winds of Italian politics away from the Euroskeptics to the Europhiles, which bodes well for Italian-European budget negotiations.
Video: Looking Through The Bond Bubble

Video: Looking Through The Bond Bubble

30 Aug 2019
As yields fall to record lows, bond markets seem priced for some sort of global economic calamity. With Europe in dire straits and the US-China trade war remaining live, there is certainly cause for worry. But when things look like they can’t get any worse, Will reckons, they often don’t. As the US growth outlook appears steady, equities and cash are the better bet.
Video: The Anatomy Of The August Panic

Video: The Anatomy Of The August Panic

23 Aug 2019
As more and more government bonds around the world slide into negative yield, investors can draw one of two conclusions: either the world faces an economic meltdown, or there is a buying panic in safe assets. But although there is indeed a synchronous global slowdown in growth, Louis favors the latter explanation.
Video: Big Tech's Regulatory Challenge

Video: Big Tech's Regulatory Challenge

2 Aug 2019


Webinar: Looking Through The Lockdowns

Webinar: Looking Through The Lockdowns

7 Apr 2020
Andrew and Rosealea discussed China’s slow return to normal, the state of the property and construction sector, and warned of the global demand shock China will face due to Covid-19. Will outlined his view on asset allocation in light of the shock to the US economy and the asset price adjustments that have taken place so far.
Webinar: Road To Recovery Or Road To Serfdom?

Webinar: Road To Recovery Or Road To Serfdom?

3 Apr 2020
To deal with the economic fallout from unprecedented lockdown measures aimed at halting the spread of Covid-19, governments and central banks in the US and Europe are pulling out all the stops to pop up financial systems and avoid economic collapse. Anatole Kaletsky and Charles Gave joined Louis Gave to discuss the long term consequences.
Webinar: China's Recovery From Covid-19 Lockdown

Webinar: China's Recovery From Covid-19 Lockdown

26 Mar 2020
At Wednesday's webinar, Andrew Batson, Ernan Cui, Thomas Gatley and Wei He discussed how China is recovering from the lockdown imposed to deal with the Covid-19 outbreak, and the outlook for the economy.
Webinar: Covid-19, Markets And The Economy

Webinar: Covid-19, Markets And The Economy

20 Mar 2020
At Thursday’s webinar, Arthur Kroeber, Louis-Vincent Gave, Anatole Kaletsky and Andrew Batson discussed the Covid-19 outbreak and the consequences for financial markets and the economy.
Seminar Series Multimedia — Fall 2019

Seminar Series Multimedia — Fall 2019

28 Nov 2019
Partners and analysts present their core ideas for the big economic regions and global markets heading into the year-end and looking forward to 2020.
Video: Is The Worst Behind Us?

Video: Is The Worst Behind Us?

26 Apr 2019
At our seminar in Shanghai, Chen Long presented the outlook for China’s economy and markets. Crucially, the credit cycle appears to have bottomed out, and credit growth should accelerate towards the end of the year. He expects the overall economy to follow suit. He also covered the outlook for capital markets, equities and the renminbi.
Hong Kong Seminar — April 2019

Hong Kong Seminar — April 2019

9 Apr 2019
Louis Gave examined the reasons for equity markets' good performance amid a global trade slowdown; Thomas Gatley assessed the state of the Chinese economy and whether the current Chinese equity bull market still has legs; Udith Sikand reckoned it is time to be positive on emerging markets, especially EM Asia.
London Seminar — March 2019

London Seminar — March 2019

3 Apr 2019
Cedric Gemehl examined the possibility of a European rebound; Charles Gave argued the world is splitting into three distinct monetary zones; Tom Miller presented on the state of the US-China trade talks and the health of the Chinese economy; Anatole Kaletsky examined the risks to the bull market, and arrived at a bullish conclusion.
Hong Kong Seminar — November 2018

Hong Kong Seminar — November 2018

9 Nov 2018
At Gavekal’s seminar in Hong Kong this week, Yanmei Xie, Arthur Kroeber and Will Denyer presented their latest views on China's economy, trade war, and how to approach asset allocation in the US.
London Seminar — October 2018

London Seminar — October 2018

9 Nov 2018
At Gavekal’s seminar in London last month Charles Gave and Anatole Kaletsky presented on whether the world is breaking up into three different monetary zones, and whether this is a correction to, or an end to, the long-running global bull market. Micahel Clendenin of Gavekal RedTech explained how they conduct research on the Chinese technology and internet sector.
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