

Video: On Target In China?

Video: On Target In China?

24 Jan 2020
In 2015 the Chinese government set out its 13th five-year plan, with economic and social targets that it aimed to hit by the end of 2020. The five-year plans are important because the government derives legitimacy from improving people’s livelihoods. The Dragonomics team has examined seven such targets and their impact on the economy.
Video: US Autos Ride Again

Video: US Autos Ride Again

17 Jan 2020
A range of cyclical and structural factors have conspired to hit US auto sales in recent years. But with the US labor market remaining in rude health and US monetary policy being loosened, that may be about to change. The impact could be positive for US growth and for risk assets, argues KX in this interview.
Video: Taiwan Chooses, Hong Kong Reacts

Video: Taiwan Chooses, Hong Kong Reacts

10 Jan 2020
Taiwan goes to the polls on Saturday in a presidential election where pro-independence incumbent Tsai Ing-wen looks like a shoo-in against the more China-friendly Kuomintang candidate. Tsai is unlikely to push China’s red lines and cross-strait relations should not be imperiled. Vincent also addresses the related issue of Beijing replacing its top representative in Hong Kong with a senior apparatchik.
Video: India's Economic Malaise

Video: India's Economic Malaise

12 Dec 2019
India’s economy has slowed down dramatically from around 8% growth a little over a year ago to 4.5% in the most recent quarter. Udith reckons the primary causes of this are domestic factors, as the financial system has continued to struggle while the policy response is too weak to be effective. The risk for the rupee is to the downside.
Video: Upside-down Europe

Video: Upside-down Europe

6 Dec 2019
Ever since the European debt crisis Germany has outperformed the rest of Europe thanks to booming external demand, while the rest of the continent suffered from a restrictive policy mix. However, lately these conditions seem to be reversing, with Germany suffering from a collapse in its crucial auto industry. Cedric discusses this shift and outlines the implications for investors.
Video: A Better Outlook For Asia?

Video: A Better Outlook For Asia?

22 Nov 2019
Despite on-again, off-again talks, there are hopes that the US and China can reach an accommodation to avert a full-scale trade war that causes global production chains to be upended. Since the Federal Reserve is again in easing mode, leading to a weaker US dollar, Vincent explains what these developments mean for Asia.
Video: A Turning Point For The Dollar

Video: A Turning Point For The Dollar

14 Nov 2019
For the last five years, the world has lived with a strong US dollar. That may be about to change. Not only has the Fed turned dovish, its return to balance sheet expansion means it is now printing more money each month than its central bank peers, such as the ECB. This liquidity splurge, coupled with a diminution of dollar-supportive international risks may point to a period of US dollar weakness.
Video: In Search Of Policy Traction

Video: In Search Of Policy Traction

8 Nov 2019
New European Central Bank boss Christine Lagarde has called on European governments to do more on the fiscal front to support eurozone growth. Only Germany has wiggle room within the EU fiscal straitjacket to launch a significant stimulus program. However, political resistance in Berlin to opening the spending taps remains formidable, and may be insurmountable.
Video: China's Private Financing Woes

Video: China's Private Financing Woes

31 Oct 2019
Chinese credit growth picked up in September, which is good news at the margin for private sector liquidity. However, a continued crackdown on shadow finance and private firms’ difficultly rolling over bond obligations will retard capital spending and lead to more bond defaults into next year.
Video: Playing The Un-inversion

Video: Playing The Un-inversion

25 Oct 2019
Having inverted over the summer, the US yield curve has steepened sharply. In the past such a move has often presaged recession—but not always. Twice since the 1960s an inversion and steepening was not followed by recession. Then, as now, the return on invested corporate capital was higher than the cost of that capital.


Webinar: China And Emerging Markets Update

Webinar: China And Emerging Markets Update

7 May 2020
China has started to reopen its economy, but it is proving hard to get Chinese consumers and small businesses up and running again. He Wei and Andrew Batson provided the latest updates on policy efforts to revive China’s economy. Udith Sikand reviewed the broader outlook for emerging markets.
Webinar: What Does Covid-19 Mean For Emerging Markets?

Webinar: What Does Covid-19 Mean For Emerging Markets?

5 May 2020
So far the Covid-19 pandemic seems to have been a less significant health event in most emerging markets. Yet EMs are bound to suffer a lot of economic damage not only from their own lockdowns but also from the demand collapse in Europe and the US. Udith Sikand and Vincent Tsui analyzed where the investment opportunities lie, and Tom Miller offered the prognosis for India.
Webinar: Global Investment Roundtable, April 2020

Webinar: Global Investment Roundtable, April 2020

1 May 2020
Markets are showing both signs of dislocation (in negative oil prices) and impressive stability (the S&P 500 is only down -4.1% over the previous 12 months). Is this stability a Federal Reserve-induced illusion? Are there more shocks to come? If so, where? In our monthly investment roundtable, Louis, Charles and Anatole discussed market scenarios for the months ahead.
Webinar: Modeling Projections For The Covid-19 Epidemic

Webinar: Modeling Projections For The Covid-19 Epidemic

30 Apr 2020
Gavekal Intelligence Software is collaborating with ETH Zurich and Shenzhen's Southern University of Science & Technology to track the spread of Covid-19. GIS principal Didier Darcet presented the findings in a conversation with Louis Gave
Webinar: Investing In A Time Of Covid-19 (French)

Webinar: Investing In A Time Of Covid-19 (French)

24 Apr 2020
Charles Gave Louis Gave, and Cedric Gemehl, along with principal of Gavekal Intelligence Software Didier Darcet, participated in a French-speaking webinar. They discussed the global investment outlook in light of the latest Covid-19 tracking data, and how to invest in a world dominated by central banks.
Webinar: Outlook For China Consumption, Labor Markets And Supply Chains

Webinar: Outlook For China Consumption, Labor Markets And Supply Chains

23 Apr 2020
In Thursday's webinar, Michael Clendenin, principal of Gavekal RedTech, presented the findings of RedTech's consumer surveys in China. Gavekal Dragonomics's Ernan Cui outlined the status of China's labor markets and how they relate to consumption, and Dan Wang spoke on what the Covid-19 crisis is doing to supply chains both in China and globally.
Webinar: Outlook For The US Economy And Global Markets

Webinar: Outlook For The US Economy And Global Markets

22 Apr 2020
In Tuesday's webinar, Will Denyer reviewed the economic situation in the US and suggested how investors should position their portfolios, and Louis Gave presented his global macroeconomic view, taking into account the remarkable developments in the oil market.
Webinar: Markets Outlook For The World And China

Webinar: Markets Outlook For The World And China

16 Apr 2020
In Thursday’s webinar, Thomas Gatley explained why China’s corporate sector is weathering the country’s downturn with relative ease and Louis Gave offered a global strategy view for investing in a Post Covid-19 world.
Webinar: Will Covid-19 Tear Europe Apart?

Webinar: Will Covid-19 Tear Europe Apart?

15 Apr 2020
Anatole Kaletsky, Cedric Gemehl and Nick Andrews discussed the Covid-19 outbreak in Europe and the unprecedented poilcy responses taken both to combat its spread and help the economy.
Webinar: The Outlook For China And Emerging Markets

Webinar: The Outlook For China And Emerging Markets

10 Apr 2020
Arthur Kroeber spoke on the macro situation in China. Michael Clendenin, principal of Gavekal RedTech, presented their work on consumer sentiment and activity in China. Udith Sikand gave a rundown of what's happening in emerging markets.
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