

Video: The Fed’s Pivot And US Banks

Video: The Fed’s Pivot And US Banks

19 Dec 2023
After a fairly terrible 2023, US bank shares have rebounded in the last month. This seems counter intuitive given that bond yields have been falling and the US yield curve has gotten more inverted. Will explains the vector from the Fed’s apparent dovish pivot to bank stocks and an interesting arbitrage which has opened up that seems to be the equivalent of free money for them.
Video: Vietnam's Balancing Act

Video: Vietnam's Balancing Act

14 Dec 2023
The United States and China are courting middle powers across the globe in an effort to gain further economic and political influence. One such “geopolitical swing state” is Vietnam, where China's top leader, Xi Jinping, has just returned from his first trip in six years, following hot on the heels of US president Joe Biden’s visit in September.
Video: A Fully Correlated World

Video: A Fully Correlated World

6 Dec 2023
For more than 30 years, there has been a fairly reliable inverse correlation between US treasury bonds and equities which has been the bedrock of most balanced portfolio strategies. Of late, however, that relationship has gone awry and the two asset classes have tended to move in lockstep—both up and down. In this video interview, Louis tries to explain what is going on and what happens next.
Video: The Challenge For US Housing

Video: The Challenge For US Housing

30 Nov 2023
On the face of it, the US housing sector has had a rotten year, with new home prices down some -18% over the period. So why are US homebuilder stocks approaching record highs? Tan Kai Xian seeks to unpick the market's dynamics in this video and answer the question: is this time different?
Video: The Anarcho-Capitalist And The Dollar

Video: The Anarcho-Capitalist And The Dollar

23 Nov 2023
Argentina’s president-elect Javier Milei wants to scrap the Argentinian peso and adopt the US dollar in an attempt to end the inflation-plagued economy’s perma-crisis once and for all. But there are formidable practical difficulties that are likely to derail Milei’s plans.
Video: Behind The US Jobs And Inflation Numbers

Video: Behind The US Jobs And Inflation Numbers

16 Nov 2023
Easing consumer inflation in October and a not too hot, not too cold jobs report have helped to extend a rally in US stock and bond markets. In this video interview, chief US economist Will Denyer looks behind the headline numbers to explore what the latest US data releases are really telling investors in US markets.
Video: Hong Kong Tries To Reboot

Video: Hong Kong Tries To Reboot

10 Nov 2023
Hong Kong may not be the freewheeling city of yore, but is trying to effect a reboot that will again make it Asia’s premier international financial center. Tom Holland and Simon Pritchard assess where the offshore Chinese territory stands in its recovery from political protests, Covid isolation and a game-changing national security law which has crushed political dissent.
Video: China Out Of The Depths

Video: China Out Of The Depths

3 Nov 2023
China’s economic growth momentum stabilized in the third quarter, but it remains fragile and at a weak level. In this video, Christopher Beddor discusses the Dragonomics team's latest quarterly macro chartbook, including the outlook for growth, the current state of the property market and the recent policy shift towards greater fiscal support.
Video: Poland's Political Shift

Video: Poland's Political Shift

20 Oct 2023
Poland is lurching back to the center ground of European politics with a coalition led by the big beast Donald Tusk, expected to soon form a government. This is good news for architects of a closer European Union and is likely to benefit Poland’s economy.
Video: Is Oil Heading To US$100?

Video: Is Oil Heading To US$100?

13 Oct 2023
In the wake of the Hamas attacks on Israel, Brent crude is trading at around US$87/bbl. That’s US$10/bbl lower than in late September. In this video interview, Tom Holland explores the reasons why the price of oil has failed to break through the US$100/bbl barrier and examines whether an escalation of the Gaza conflict could yet drive a painful spike in global prices.


Webinar: In Search Of Europe’s Second Half Drivers

Webinar: In Search Of Europe’s Second Half Drivers

2 Jun 2023
Europe analysts Cedric Gemehl and Nick Andrews assess the eurozone’s economic outlook and ask what the main drivers of European asset market performance over the second half of 2023 will be.
Webinar: Boomer Vs Buster

Webinar: Boomer Vs Buster

26 May 2023
Anatole Kaletsky insists that the US remains in an inflationary boom and will avoid a near-term recession. Will Denyer is on the other side of Gavekal’s internal debate, contending that a disinflationary US recession is around the corner. In this webinar, Will asked the questions in order to test out Anatole’s convictions.
Webinar: An End Point For US-China Tensions?

Webinar: An End Point For US-China Tensions?

19 May 2023
Until recently the US government’s approach to China was to pile up sanctions and export restrictions, without any hint of when and where the moves might stop. That has shifted in recent months, with US officials suggesting the country now wants to push the pause button. Arthur and Yanmei take the temperature of the relationship and discuss where it goes next.
Webinar: Turkey And Thailand—Two Elections At A Hard Time For EMs

Webinar: Turkey And Thailand—Two Elections At A Hard Time For EMs

12 May 2023
Turkey and Thailand go to the polls on May 14. Both countries have seen their share of authoritarian policymaking and populist democratic politics. In yesterday’s webinar, Udith Sikand and Vincent Tsui assessed each economy’s prospects and sought to draw some common lessons.
Webinar: The US Economy Balancing Act

Webinar: The US Economy Balancing Act

5 May 2023
Will and KX have been in the camp arguing that such trends point to a US economy heading towards recession. They update their view with a particular focus on the strength of the US consumer and in light of this week's Federal Reserve’s policy meeting.
Webinar: A Health Check On China's Recovery

Webinar: A Health Check On China's Recovery

28 Apr 2023
China’s economic rebound is well under way, with GDP growth in the first quarter beating expectations on the back of strengthening household consumption and property sales. But many still have doubts about the strength of the recovery. Thomas Gatley and Wei He assess what the data tell us about the recovery so far, as well as the outlook for economic growth and asset markets.
Beijing Seminar — April 2023

Beijing Seminar — April 2023

26 Apr 2023
In last week's seminar in Beijing, Will Denyer discussed the outlook for the US economy and Federal Reserve policy; Arthur Kroeber spoke on China’s long-term growth trajectory and the strategy to counter US efforts to hinder its technological development; Andrew Batson presented an update on China's post-Covid recovery and answered audience questions along with Rosealea Yao and Xiaoxi Zhang.
Webinar: The International Debt Crisis Of 2023

Webinar: The International Debt Crisis Of 2023

21 Apr 2023
After global frontier markets went on a borrowing spree between 2008 and 2020, tighter global liquidity has pushed countries from Pakistan to Zambia into financial crisis. China is a major creditor, sometimes at odds with other bilateral and multilateral lenders.
Shanghai Seminar — April 2023

Shanghai Seminar — April 2023

17 Apr 2023
Louis examined the global macroeconomic landscape to find the key trends and structural changes that matter for investors; Wei discussed China's economic recovery and outlined the near-term growth and policy outlook; and Arthur spoke on China’s long-term growth trajectory geopolitical strategy.
Webinar: Global Ructions, New Investment Realities

Webinar: Global Ructions, New Investment Realities

14 Apr 2023
As markets stabilize after the ructions caused by the US’s banking travails, it is time to take stock of what has changed for investors. In this webinar Charles and Louis update their views on the global macro situation with a particular focus placed on an accelerated “dedollarization” that both of them see as a major factor now influencing markets and investment returns.
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