

Video: Macron's Gambit

Video: Macron's Gambit

13 Apr 2023
Emmanuel Macron’s domestic reform agenda looks to have met its Waterloo over massive popular opposition to pension reform. In this video interview, Cedric takes stock of Macron’s presidency and explains what it means for France’s economic prospects in the next four years.
Video: The Banking Trainwreck

Video: The Banking Trainwreck

5 Apr 2023
In last week’s video interview, Louis Gave argued that the problem affecting banks was concentrated in the US and did not really deserve the moniker “crisis”. Tan Kai Xian agrees that banking problems are mostly focused in the US, but he worries that this will prove to be a rolling crisis whose effects worsen as it develops.
Video: Is This Really A Banking Crisis?

Video: Is This Really A Banking Crisis?

31 Mar 2023
Three weeks into the “banking crisis”, Louis takes stock of the reaction from asset markets and considers how investors should be positioning themselves.
Video: The State Of China's Recovery

Video: The State Of China's Recovery

17 Mar 2023
China’s hotly anticipated economic indicators for January and February, released this week, revealed for the first time the state of the economic recovery after the reopening from Covid containment. Christopher unpacks what the data show and the likely trajectory for growth this year.
Video: Unpacking The Yield Curve Inversion

Video: Unpacking The Yield Curve Inversion

9 Mar 2023
The US yield curve has not been this severely inverted since 1981, giving rise to fears that a recession in the world’s biggest economy may be nigh. Yield curve inversions do not always signal a recession, but every recession since the mid-1960s has been preceded by an inverted yield curve. Will explains why that is the case and what it means for asset allocators.
Video: The Threat To Taiwan

Video: The Threat To Taiwan

6 Mar 2023
Tom recently returned from a research trip to Taiwan and heard a quite different view among politicians and security experts about the risk of an invasion from mainland China. Here he discusses whether the Taiwanese are being complacent, or simply properly realistic.
Video: Parsing The US Growth Data

Video: Parsing The US Growth Data

22 Feb 2023
US risk assets sold off heavily on Wednesday as investors processed strengthening US economic data that points to more inflation and a less easy Federal Reserve. Tan Kai Xian explains why, in spite of recent strong data releases, the US economy may not be out of the woods, and may flatter to deceive.
Video: Shifting Global Fund Flows

Video: Shifting Global Fund Flows

15 Feb 2023
After years of US dollar strength, 2023 opens with the prospect that Chinese holders of US dollars now begin to deploy the funds they accumulated over Covid. Meanwhile, the Bank of Japan may shift policy and spark repatriation flows. Louis examines the implications.
Video: Indignation Up The Indus

Video: Indignation Up The Indus

9 Feb 2023
India has just notified Pakistan that it wants to renegotiate a treaty governing the Indus River basin that has been operable since 1960. In this video interview, Udith explores what lies behind this request and what could happen next.
Video: The Asian Trade Cycle Lives

Video: The Asian Trade Cycle Lives

1 Feb 2023
Export-orientated Asian economies always suffer in times of global economic weakness and Vincent does not expect this cycle to be markedly different. However, he does wonder if two key pillars supporting Asian export demand mean that asset markets have overdone the gloom in making the adjustment.


Webinar: Into Europe's Winter Of Discontent

Webinar: Into Europe's Winter Of Discontent

21 Sep 2022
With European energy prices for the coming winter up by 500% or more, inflation broadening, and businesses and consumers pessimistic, Europe’s economies are in for a troubled few months. Cedric Gemehl and Nick Andrews discuss what it all means.
Webinar: China's Economic Troubles Mount

Webinar: China's Economic Troubles Mount

16 Sep 2022
China's economy faces two critical challenges: A property sector is in its worst slump in years. And the economic impact of persistent Covid lockdowns caused by sporadic outbreaks from more transmissible Covid variants. In this webinar, Dragonomics analysts discussed the challenges.
Webinar: Global Investment Roundtable, September 2022

Webinar: Global Investment Roundtable, September 2022

9 Sep 2022
Anatole outlined the global growth and inflation outlook, and why financial markets have yet to fully adjust; Charles presented his thinking on the dissolution of the post-World-War-Two order and what this means for assets; and Arthur gave an update on China ahead of the 20th Party Congress.
Webinar: Inflation, Recession, Liquidity Crisis — Navigating Troubled Economic Waters

Webinar: Inflation, Recession, Liquidity Crisis — Navigating Troubled Economic Waters

22 Jul 2022
In this webinar Anatole Kaletsky and Will Denyer discussed the outlook for the US economy and markets over the next 18 months. Additionally, Charles Gave gave an update on the evolving international US dollar liquidity crisis.
Webinar: Your Questions About China Answered

Webinar: Your Questions About China Answered

15 Jul 2022
China today is a major source of economic and geopolitical uncertainty. Its zero-Covid policy has a significant economic cost, the recovery of the property and tech sectors remains in doubt and the close relationship with Russia raises geopolitical questions. In this webinar, our team attempted to sort out these perplexities.
Webinar: What Next For Emerging Markets?

Webinar: What Next For Emerging Markets?

8 Jul 2022
Amid a broad-based tightening of global financial conditions, there are fears that emerging markets as an asset class could get caught in the downdraft. Yet notably, EM assets have not underperformed those in developed markets; in the case of currencies, they have outperformed.
Webinar: Investing In The Age Of Weaponization

Webinar: Investing In The Age Of Weaponization

2 Jul 2022
As crises have emerged, recent years have seen western policymakers weaponize everything from financial services provision to semiconductor production. This will have wide-ranging consequences for the relative performance of assets across the world.
Webinar: A Worsening Growth Outlook

Webinar: A Worsening Growth Outlook

23 Jun 2022
Between rampant inflation, rising interest rates and high energy prices, the risk of recession is growing on both sides of the Atlantic. China may be stimulating its economy, but could get stuck in a liquidity trap. In this webinar our team assessed growth prospects across the world's major regions.
Webinar: Europe On The Brink

Webinar: Europe On The Brink

17 Jun 2022
In this webinar, our analysts discussed Europe’s ominous-looking leading indicators and its hawkish central bank. Europe’s near-term economic future is in play, and this will have consequences for exchange rates, government funding costs and risk assets.
Webinar: What Next For Markets?

Webinar: What Next For Markets?

10 Jun 2022
In this webinar, Louis-Vincent Gave, Anatole Kaletsky and Charles Gave discussed the drivers behind today’s challenging market conditions and offered a roadmap for what may come next.
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